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Webinar: Food as Medicine – The Power of Your Fork – Part 2

GoToWebinar - Online Conference

The "food-as-medicine" movement has been around for decades, but it's making inroads as physicians and medical institutions make food a formal part of treatment, rather than relying solely on medications. By prescribing nutritional changes or launching educational programs, they're trying to prevent, limit or even reverse disease by changing what patients eat. Join us as […]

Webinar: Food Safety

GoToWebinar - Online Conference

One out of every 10 adults has a food allergy. At least 8% of children under the age of 18 have a food allergy. Are you ready for this number of food-allergic patrons, visitors, patients, clients, students, friends and family to visit your establishment? You need to be, as the time and option for ignoring […]

Webinar: The Day the Restaurants Closed – September 10th

Restaurants and Hospitals were among the major foodservice providers who changed their MOs and SOPs virtually overnight. This impacted food safety practices for them, their employees, clients and customers, and things may never be the same.

•Identify the huge operational shifts created for essential foodservice operators who must continue to operate during a pandemic and for the restaurants trying their best to do so
•Identify the food safety challenges created by this public health crisis and the strategies to address them.
•Summarize the lessons learned and forecasting future ones that will alter every step of the feeding process from supplier to operator to server to customer.

Presenter: Mary Angela Miller MS RDN, LD, President, KeepSafe Food, LLC
Moderated by: Marsha Diamond, MA, RDN, President, Diamond Approach

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